Make sure the declarations are recorded in a calm, deliberate, precise and clear voice and the track should be between 10 to 25 seconds maximum. These affirmations that are hidden in the sound can be at low volumes, even sped up and sometimes backward to maximize the effect. Record it as audio or video as per your personal preference. Write them down in short statements about the things you would like to internalize. This is why customize your controls to suit your needs and requirements. It is essential to formulate correct hidden commands that can make a person resilient and robust. It is a fact that when you listen to affirmative subliminal commands day after day that fit your specific needs, then it will prove a blessing to you. Identify your problem areas so that you can write down the messages that will be a help in removing those issues from your life. Some ways to use subliminal perception for self-help are as follows- 1. Its simplicity and effectiveness have made it very popular among millions of people in the world. The subliminal perception is considered one of the friendliest and capable theories that can deal directly with the root of the problem and make a difference. This is because our subconscious mind is stronger than the conscious one. There are instances when people have turned to subliminal perception to heal on an unconscious level, and the success rate is very high compared to the people who have done so on a conscious level. These are used to untie the blockages that hinder a person from making noteworthy progress. In some cases, it is possible to make changes by behavior alone but when patterns keep on repeating, then it is the time to use subliminal perceptions. When we know this for a fact, then why not use it to our advantage. Subliminal perception is considered very powerful and can influence the human brain. Using subliminal perception for self-help This is why subliminal messages appeal and connect with our minds more quickly without us being even aware of it. The human mind has two parts the conscious mind that can think, feel, judge and act and the subconscious mind that is considered the secret place of our motives and desires and exists just out of the reach of the conscious mind. It is a fact that both the perception and the resulting reaction happen at the subconscious level How subliminal perception works It is the result of a deliberate technique to generate a response so that the people will do things that they would not do in the ordinary course. The subliminal perceptions are the signals that are below the threshold of our conscious minds. The term subliminal message is generally used to mean hidden messages for instance. It is generally used in the modern world by advertisers and politicians to manipulate the mindset and modify the behavioral pattern of individuals. There was a time when subliminal perception and related messages were considered dark art and connected with conspiracy theories.

The different types of subliminal perception messages are as follows.When should a person listen to the subliminal perception messages?.Reshape the brain pattern with persistent practice Using subliminal perception for self-help.music or image flashing) is incorporated to an ad but not enough to elicit conscious threshold and yet affect the consumer’s brand choice. This precept is used in advertising or marketing where a subliminal stimulus (e.g. For instance, a recipient of a subliminal stimulus may be able to perceive it but may not be consciously aware of it. ( Psychology) In psychological research, a subliminal stimulus is a kind of stimulus wherein it may be perceived and processed in the brain but does not elicit awareness of perception. When an action potential is reached, it will lead to cascading events resulting in the contraction of skeletal muscle fibers in a motor unit. adequate in strength and duration) to cause a depolarization and produce an action potential. In evoking a contraction of a skeletal muscle, for instance, the stimulus has to be liminal (i.e. There should be a change in an action potential in order to evoke a response. The stimulus below threshold is referred to as subliminal. But stimulus having intensity below the threshold will not be able to. ( Physiology) A stimulus with an adequate intensity can generate an action potential. ( psychology) A stimulus below the threshold-line for conscious perception but can evoke affective reactions without awareness ( physiology) A stimulus inadequate to generate an action potential and thereby does not evoke a response